Want to meet customers, then you have to get your marketing right.  This course was created to get you across the desk from your customer.  Make sure that your brand is able to communicate with intent and move customers to get in touch.

Course Overview:

Module A:  Brand Personality and Brand Identity – Corporate Brand Identity

Module B:  Choosing the correct marketing channels.

Module C:  The Brand Story – Placing your Brand Message

Module D:  Scaling your Brand Image

Module E:  Managing Content

Module F:  Marketing and Sales integration

Want to meet customers, then you have to get your marketing right.  This course was created to get you across the desk from your customer.  Make sure that your brand is able to communicate with intent and move customers to get in touch.

Course Overview:

Module A:  Brand Personality and Brand Identity – Corporate Brand Identity

Module B:  Choosing the correct marketing channels.

Module C:  The Brand Story – Placing your Brand Message

Module D:  Scaling your Brand Image

Module E:  Managing Content

Module F:  Marketing and Sales integration

Many small businesses are doing business every single day with customers that have a need for their services.  These businesses have dreams of procuring a large deal with an even larger company, a corporate company.  They believe that this deal will lead them to instant riches.

Sadly, many of these companies are ill prepared for the demands of servicing or selling to a larger company. They soon find themselves struggling with cash flow, not able to make payments to staff and having to extend loan upon loan.  Most companies think that doing business with consumers, or small companies, is the same as doing business with large corporates.

It is not the same and during this training we will seek to explain the differences and how to go about working with a large corporate.  We delve into the various complexities of working with a corporate company, what stakeholders you need to focus on, and what to communicate to each stakeholder in their specific language.

Module A:  The supplier in the context of Strategic Supply Chain Management

Module B: The corporate stakeholders. Who they are and their purchasing language.

Module C: Company Profile & Value Proposition.

Module D: Supplier/OEM relationships and certifications.

Module E: Preferential Procurement what you need to know as a supplier.

Module F: Pricing & Pricing Regulations.  How it impacts you as a supplier.

Are you missing a significant opportunity by using Social Media to sell your services?  This course will give you the tools to safely navigate the social media marketing space.  Learn how to scale your brand and increase your sales by doing the right activities rather than waste time.

Course Overview:

Module A:  Introduction to Social Media Marketing and Overcoming the Fear Factor

Module B:  Aligning your Sales Funnel to Social Media

Module C:  The Brand/Social Media Channel Fit

Module D:  Understanding the different Social Media Channels (LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter)

Module E:  Your Content and Content Calendar

Module F:  Websites/ Landing Pages and building the bridge to your Value proposition

Learn to effectively manage the finances of your business.  This Finance for Non-Financial Business Owners course will ensure that you are able to optimise the money flow through your organisation.  Make sure that you stay in control of your business finances and that you are able to maximise your return on investment.

Course Overview:

Module A: Return on Assets

Module B: Background to Business Finance

Module C: Sales and Gross Profit

Module D: Operational Costs

Module E: Profit and its uses

Module F: Owners Interest

Module G: Current Liabilities

Module H: Non-Current

Module I: Current Assets: Stock, Receivables, Cash/Bank

Can you afford the cost of the wrong corporate contract?

Benefit from the practical advice from experts in the field of contract negotiation. Learn how to make sure that you understand how to negotiate the right contract so that you can benefit, save costs and deliver in the most acceptable time frame.  If you plan to do business with private corporate companies then this course is intended for you.

Course Overview:

Module A:  Negotiation & Negotiation Tactics

Module B: Negotiating Terms & Conditions

Module C: Commercial Terms & Conditions

Module D: Obligations & Service Levels

Module E: Price Increases, CPI & Payment Terms

Module F: Reporting & Service Description

Module G: Negotiation regarding Termination

Make sure that you understand to practically run a project in scope, on time and within budget. This course will give you the tools to take your project management skills to the next level.

Course Objectives:

Module A: Introduction to Project Management

Module B: Initiating a Project

Module C: Project Planning

Module D: Project Execution

Module E: Project Control

Module F: Time Management

In any product or service that you offer, your value proposition is key to determining the success of that offering.  Unfortunately too many entrepreneurs fall in love with their idea without really taking the time to consider if the value proposition is relevant to the customer.  One of the most expensive mistakes that you can make as an entrepreneur is to create a product or service offering that nobody wants.

This course helps you to establish and refine your value proposition.  Your value proposition will be the center of your business model.  The course will take you through all the various elements that you need to consider when you are crafting your value proposition.  This allows you to make sure that what you offer is relevant and desirable to your customers.

We have taken a lot of time to put this course together and it combines multiple expertises from our various consultants as well as the latest research in the field of entrepreneurship.  We hope that you will enjoy it, and wish you success in the development and implementation of your value proposition.

An Entrepreneurial VAT and TAX workshop specifically designed to assist Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs with their taxes.  Learn how to better manage your tax affairs while gaining advantages and benefits that could allow you to save significant cost.  Gain a better understanding of the legal tax framework while managing your taxes better without fear of penalties or interest.

Module A: Botswana  Tax Foundations

Overview of the BW Tax System, Direct and Indirect Taxation, Tax Treatment of Entities and Individuals

Module B: Taxation of Companies and Closed Corporations

General Deduction Formula, Disallowable Expenditure, Capital Expenditure and Allowances, Tax Incentives, Dividend Withholding Tax, Deferred Tax, Employer’s Duties, Provisional Tax

Module C: Taxation of Individuals

Forms of Income, Property Rental, Retirement Funds, Company Car vs. Travel Allowance, Capital Gains Tax

Module D: Value Added Tax

VAT Basics, Output & Input VAT, Denial of Input VAT, Standard, Exempt, Zero Rated and Deemed Supplies, VAT Returns, Tax Invoice Requirements